Old Town Canoe Rentals
Best for a peaceful day paddling, fishing, or camping while exploring the Adirondacks.
The Old Town Canoes are available in a variety of sizes ranging from 14-17ft, great for camping, fishing, or exploring the diverse paddling areas around the marina. A great option for families, anglers, or casual canoeists looking for a recreational canoe that performs well on the water.
Capacity & Amenities
671 lbs, including people & cargo
2 people
Paddles & lifejackets included
Contoured comfortable seats
Comfortable molded-in carrying handles (bow and stern)
Rental Price
$35 per day
Rental Day: 9am to 5pm
If not returned by 5pm, an additional $15 will be charged per hour
The person signing the lease is FULLY responsible for the boat and all its occupants and any damage done to the boat.
